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Kritik Sosial Kiai Shaleh Darat dalam Melawan Pemerintah Belanda dalam Bingkai Sufistik

Istianah Istianah


This article discusses the social criticism of the Kiai Shaleh Darat in the fight against the Dutch colonialists. The Dutch colonialists acted arbitrarily by suppressing, exploiting and enslaving. All forms of kindness and truth are silenced. This study aims to explain the social criticism made by the Kiai Shaleh Darat in fighting the invaders in Sufistic framing. His resistance was not by violence, but by giving "enlightenment of thought" to his students. The method used in this study is the library research method by tracing his works among them, are: Al-Munjiyat, Majmu'at al-Shari'at al-Kafiyat li al-Awam, Latha'if at-Thaharah wa Asrar al- Salah fi Kaifiyat Shalat al-Abidin wa al-Arifin and Matan al-Hikam. The works of Kiai Shaleh Darat are written using Pegon Arabic. By carrying out the Pegon Arab as an affirmation of cultural identity and at the same time a form of resistance to the arrogance of the Dutch colonizers. Through Sufism, Kiai Shaleh Darat is able to arouse spiritual thought and refreshment so as to successfully educate students.


Dutch Government, Kiai Shaleh Darat, Social Criticism, Sufistic.


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v5i1.4977

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