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Makna Hidup dalam Perspektif Cosmic Intellegence

Efa Ida Amaliyah, Nina Karlina


This study aims to get a clear picture of the meaning of life in the perspective of C.I (Cosmic Intelligence), this type of research is field research with the intent of the data used as a source of reference originating from the research location. The data sources used in this study are primary sources in the form of interviews with Cosmic Intelligence pioneers, teachers or leaders of Cosmic Intelligence training, and respondents or Cosmic Intelligence meditators, and secondary sources in the form of books on Islamic Psychology, Religious Psychology, Sufism and related psychology. . Techniques for collecting data through interviews or interviews, observation, and documentation. Furthermore, the data obtained was analyzed using data analysis methods, the process of simplifying data into forms that were easier to read and interpret. The results of the study show that someone who has undergone or practiced Cosmic Intelligence training in contemplative meditative dhikr, finds awareness, awareness of his existence on this earth, his awareness as a servant of Allah, the realization that he is the caliph of Allah, who must undergo duty of servitude (imaniyyah-ilahiyyah, ubudiyah ilahiyyah, ubudiyyah insaniyyah, mu'amalah insaniyyah) and undergo the task of the Caliphate or called the Cosmic Task. Continuing to apply these cosmic tasks in daily life that do not separate the fields of life between learning, worship, work, work (must be integral) will lead to an awareness of life, self evaluation, self-ability, motivation and purpose, awareness of life which will bring to the presence of the meaning of life.


Cosmic Intelligence, self awareness, meaning of life.


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v4i2.5755

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