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Nurida Ismawati, Warto Warto


Indonesian nationalism progressively readuced. Indonesia is a country
with diverse than tribe, nation, language and culture. Nationalism and
religion are two different things and have noting to do in the view of some
people. Students reputed as character who pure struggle of a state religion
not to the nation. But, in the film, kyai is different, cleics and students or
commonly called the sarungan not only rated as a religious figure but also
as the man who took part in the struggle for Indonesian independence.
Kyai in this film is a bellwether in the mass mobilization of students
against the invadrs as well as key in mobilizing students to selzo and
maintain the independence of Indonesian at that time. Sang Kyai is an
Indonesian drama film by Rako Prijanto that elevates the story of the
struggle for independence the Nahdlatul Ulama mamely kyai Hasyim
Asy’ari. Based on the above background, we formulate the problem as
follow. What are the values of nationalism students in the film Sang
Kyai. This article aims to find out what are the values of nationalism
students portayed in the move kyai. This film aims to regrow the values
of nationalism which is now consideredless. Research results showed that
the values of nationalism in the film Sang Kyai demonstrated in varios
grades, namely, the value of unity, solidarity and values of independence.
In the film Sang Kyai main character who has three grades above is kyai
Hasyim Asy’ari. In addition, the scolars and the students portayed in
the move kyai. Religious become the fivstmouves are used by scholars and
students who later become motives of nationalism. The resulls of this study
are expected to contribute thoughts and scintific ideas about nationalism
students in the struggle for independence in the Japanese colonial period
and after independence, especially in media based nationalism film.


Kata Kunci: Nationalism, Students, The Codes Of Television, John Fiske.


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DOI: 10.21043/at-tabsyir.v4i2.2921

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