Open Journal Systems

Media Sosial sebagai Sarana Penyampaian Kebijakan Kabinet Kerja Periode Maret-September 2019

Rizkiya Ayu Maulida


:The development of new media has made changes to the public relations activities, including government communication.  Government communication activities use new media as the tool to communicate to the citizen as well as publish their accomplishments. The characteristic of new media has made government communication activities to be more interactive. This research aimed to investigate the use of Instagram account as the tool of Indonesian government to communicate to its citizen. is an Instagram account managed by Ministry of Communication and Information of Republic Indonesia to publish all of the accomplishment from all of ministries in Indonesia. It is aligned with government program, Single Narration, where all of government accomplishment publish under one channel, Ministry of Communication and Information. This research explored the interaction between government and citizen, the contents of the account and the implementation of two way symmetrical communication. The method I used in this research is content analysis. The research showed that all the contents that posted on  can be categorized into two themes: government policies and public service examination. Another finding is there is not much two-way interaction between government and citizen on the account, thus the government applied public communication model, rather than two symmetrical way of communication.


Government communication, public relations, social media, Singe Narration


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Full Text: PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)

DOI: 10.21043/at-tabsyir.v7i1.7455

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