Metode-Metode Pendidikan Islam Bagi Anak Usia Dini

Ahmad Zaini


Man is a creature of God; This is one of the nature of human beings.
Another is that the nature of human beings is creatures whose development
is influenced by the nature and the environment. A human being is very
interesting. Therefore, he has been the target of studies since past, present,
and future. Almost all higher education institutions assess the human, and
the impact of his work on his own, community and environment. One of the
aims of man created by God is to be His vicegerent on earth. Therefore, people
should be educated from an early age even while still in his mother’s womb.
Early childhood is a group of children who are in the process of growth and
development that is unique, in the sense of having a pattern of growth and
development, intelligence, social, emotional, language and communication
in accordance with the rate of growth and development of children. The
importance of childhood and early childhood characteristics, demanding
approach to be used in learning activities that will be used in the learning
activities that focus on children. At the time of this early age, children need to be
educated as well as possible, with methods appropriate to their circumstances.
The educational methods that can be applied are such as, advice, stories, and
customs. No “bad” or ‘good’method. Because it highly depends on many factors.
The important thing taken into account teachers to set a method is knowing
the limits of goodness and weakness methods that will be used, thus allowing
it to formulate conclusions about the results/achievement of the objectives of
the decision.


Methods; Islamic Education; Early Childhood;

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