Pandangan Kognitifisme dan Aplikasinya dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Anak Usia Dini

Puspo Nugroho


Early Childhood Education becomes a very important phase of education.
Phase which will color the world of children’s cognitive thinking. In this phase of
brain development in children achieve the remarkable level, which in this phase
the child reaches the golden era (golden age) so that the child is able to develop
the power of perception based on what is seen, heard and felt, so that the child
will have a thorough understanding and comprehensive. From that some figures
such as Jerrome Brunner, Ausabel and Jean Piaget contributed cognitive learning
style and thinking according to each, According to Jerome Bruner in the learning
process is more determined how the teacher is able to organize learning according
to the student’s learning style. The students are learning according to Ausubel
must be “meaningful” (meaningfull). Meaningful learning is a process where new
information, in which new information is associated with the structure of the
relevant concepts, cognitive structure that is already owned by someone learners.
Meanwhile, according to Jean Piaget every child develops the capacity to think
in an orderly phase. At a certain stage of development will emerge schemes or
certain cognitive structures whose success at each stage is highly dependent on the
previous stage. Of the three characters are interrelated and complementary. Third
application of the above theory in PAI learning, especially for young children, a
teacher needs to know in depth protege start developmentally age, style of
learning styles, as well as in packaging materials must be meaningful, it means to
have linkages with prior knowledge of children, use of media educative abstract to
stimulate the understanding, delivery of content delivered ranging from the simple
to the complex, the learning process needs to be developed based activities, etc.
Through these principles is expected socio-emotional development, intelligence
and personality of children will grow up.


Education, Early Childhood, Cognitive

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